Starting with three distinct, yet interwoven story threads, each with their own pair of protagonists for either solo or co-op play, both offline and online, not only will Resident Evil 6 deliver both different perspectives and gameplay styles but, with the introduction of the innovative Crossover mechanic players will be able to team up and share the horror. At key moments during the game, up to four players can join together online to tackle a specific situation, with some stages seeing the usual partnerships swapped to further increase the depth of gameplay.
Once players have completed the initial three campaigns they will unlock an all new campaign featuring Resident Evil’s very own femme fatale, Ada Wong. A single player experience, Ada’s campaign features unique missions, gameplay and weapons which will provide answers to the unanswered questions from the first three campaigns.
Minimum System requirement:
Os: Windows: Xp/Vista/7/8
Processor: Intel CoreTM2 Duo 2.4 ghz or better
Memory; 2 Gb Ram
Hardisk Space: 16 Gb Of Hardisk Space
Vidio Card: NVIDIA® GeForce® 8800GTS or better
Directx 9.0 or Better
Sound: Standard Audio Device
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